Archaeo 201 - Foundations of Archaeology
Concepts and theories in Archaeology
Archaeo 202 - History of Archaeology
Archaeo 203 - Archaeology and Culture
Theoretical issues in the analysis of relations between archaeological remains and human behavior in the context of human culture
Archaeo 204 - Scientific Archaeological Analysis
General overview of the various analytical tools used in archaeology
Archaeo 206 - Field Methods in Archaeology
Methods used at different stages of fieldwork and the qualitative and quantitative analyses of recovered materials
Archaeo 207 - Laboratory and Applied Analysis of Archaeological Remains
Fundamentals in the processing of artifacts
Archaeo 210 - Statistics in Archaeology
The use of statistics in exploration, excavation and analysis of materials for report writing
Archaeo 211 - Computers in Archaeology
The use of computer programs in aid of exploration, excavation, and analysis of materials for report writing
Archaeo 218 - Ethnoarchaeology
Comparative studies of living ethnic groups and archaeological material culture
Archaeo 219 - Museology
Principles of organization and administration of archaeological collections (cross-listed with Anthro 219)
Archaeo 220 - Philippine Prehistoric Archaeology
Archaeo 221 - Stone Ages
The earliest cultural phases of humankind indicated by archaeological remains up to sedentarism and domestication, chronology, paleo-ecology and technology, with emphasis on Southeast Asia
Archaeo 222 - Metal Ages
The earliest evidence of the use of metals, diverse theories on the origin of metallurgy, with emphasis on Southeast Asia
Archaeo 224 - Southeast Asian Prehistoric Archaeology
Archaeo 230 - Complex Societies
Evolution, organization, and archaeology of ancient states.
Archaeo 231 - Settlement Patterns and Household Systems in Southeast Asia
Archaeological sites distribution and household systems
Archaeo 234 - Archaeology of Trade
Trade patterns and exchange systems in the archaeological context, with emphasis on Southeast Asia
Archaeo 240 - Human Paleontology
Biocultural evolutionary stages of humans, with emphasis on Southeast Asia
Archaeo 241 - Mortuary Analysis in Archaeology
Theoretical approaches in the study of mortuary sites
Archaeo 242 - Archaeozoological Remains
A theoretical and practical course on the analysis of faunal remains from archaeological sites
Archaeo 243 - Lithic Analysis
Methods, techniques, and theoretical discourses in the analysis of lithic implements.
Archaeo 244 - Ceramic Analysis
Methods, techniques, and theoretical discourses in the analysis of ceramic materials
Archaeo 245 - Geoarchaeology
Concepts, theories, and techniques in understanding different processes that contribute to archaeological site formation.
Archaeo 246 - Archaeobotanical Remains
A survey and practical course on the specialization of archaeobotany
Archaeo 250 - Historical Archaeology
The aims, methods and rationale of the sub-field of historical archaeology
Archaeo 251 - Maritime and Underwater Archaeology
History, concepts, and methods in maritime and underwater archaeology
Archaeo 260 - Archaeological Resource Management
Identification, preservation and protection of archaeological resources
Archaeo 270 - Readings in Archaeology
Concentration on a specific topic for research purposes
Archaeo 297 - Special Topics in Archaeology
Archaeo 298 - Special Topics in Regional Archaeology
The archaeology of a region or country, with discussions on its cultural chronology, major archaeological sites, and material remains
Archaeo 299 - Research
Archaeo 300 - Master’s Thesis
Archaeo 301 - Advanced Field Methods
Methods in managing, leading, and integrating archaeological field excavation and methodology
Archaeo 302 - Heritage Management
In-depth study of the different issues confronting world heritage management
Archaeo 399 - Independent Study
A research-focused course that will allow Ph.D. students to develop their research interest; must be taken twice.
Archaeo 400 - Ph.D. Dissertation