Guidelines and Memos

Number Memo Subject
UPSA GBT 2024-20 Enrolment Procedure for Cognate Courses
UPSA GBT 2024-19 Workspace in the Virata School of Business (VSB)
UPSA GBT 2024-18 Maximum Residence Rules (MRR)
UPSA GBT 2024-10 Archaeo 299
UPSA GBT 2023-30 UP School of Archaeology Laboratories Guidelines and Policies
UPSA GBT 2023-27 Archaeo 299
ASP GBT 2022-77 School of Archaeology
ASP GBT 2022-37 Academic and Thesis Supervisors
ASP GBT 2020-14 Academic Supervisors
ASP LAMN 2020-04 MA/MS Program
ASP GBT 2018-10 Archaeological Excavations Before the Field School
ASP GBT 2018-09 Enlistment in Archaeology 299
ASP GBT 2018-08 Amended Guidelines for the PhD Comprehensive Exam
ASP GBT 2018-05 Preventing Fire Hazards
ASP GBT 2018-00 Guidelines for conducting PhD Comprehensive Exams
ASP GBT 2017-06 All UP-ASP non-tenured University Research Associate
ASP GBT 2017-05 Revised Guidelines for UP-ASP University Research Associates
ASP GBT 2017-04 Research Affiliate of the University of the Philippines-Archaeological Studies Program
ASP GBT 2017-03 Access to the archaeological collections of the University of th Philippines Archaeological Studies Program
ASP GBT 2017-02 Revised Albert Hall guestroom and Villadolid dormitory guidelines
ASP GBT 2017-01 Revised Albert Hall guestroom and Villadolid dormitory guidelines
ASP ASM 2017 New guidelines and rules for thesis procedures
ASP ASM 2016 Guidelines for requesting access to National Museum records and artefacts by ASP students and staff
ASP ASM 2016 Guidelines for conducting PhD comprehensive exams
ASP ASM 2014 Bicycle in the Albert Hall hallways
ASP ASM 2013 Guidelines in writing thesis proposal and thesis
ASP ASM 2010 New guidelines for the use of the ASP library
ASP ASM 2009-01 Guidelines for the use of the Villadolid laboratories
ASP ASM 2009-00 Guidelines on Student Supervision
ASP ASM 2008 Guidelines on the Use of Library Materials


As of January 2023, the following serves as a guideline for memos provided during the Covid 19 pandemic.

POST-ECQ Guidelines: Preventing Workplace Infection to Ensure Safe Work Environment. As we return to work in the middle of the continued pandemic, we request that everyone follow these new guid elines before going to work.

ASP Implementing Guidelines for the Third Trimester, AY 2019-2020. Students who were enrolled during this period, please read these new guidelines.

Post-ECQ Guidelines: ASP Students and Guest. Planning to continue classes or to visit ASP post-2021? Read this.

LAMN 2020 Guideline: Additional Guidelines for ASP Students and Workers following the UP Covid-19 Guidelines

Other Guidelines

KAPI Code of Ethics