Victor J. Paz
Head, Plants and Sediments Laboratory
Ph.D. in Archaeology | University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Head, Plants and Sediments Laboratory
Ph.D. in Archaeology | University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

I am very much interested in Southeast Asian and Pacific archaeology, although my concentration for the past few years has been on Island Southeast Asia and the Philippines. I am interested in further advancing archaeobotanical studies in the region with the objective of elucidating human-plant and human-landscape relationships in the past. I keep an active field work profile with an active multidiciplinal approach in addressing research questions. Studying transforming cultural consciousness and cosmologies and their materiality in Southeast Asian and Oceanic cultures is a standing interest of mine.
Selected Works
Vaiglova, P., Ávila, J. N., Buckley, H., Galipaud, J. C., Green, D. R., Halcrow, S., ... & Smith, T. M. (2024). Past rainfall patterns in Southeast Asia revealed by microanalysis of δ18O values in human teeth. Journal of Archaeological Science, 162, 105922.
Wurster, C. M., Bird, M. I., Bull, I. D., Creed, F., Bryant, C., Dungait, J. A., & Paz, V. (2010). Forest contraction in north equatorial Southeast Asia during the Last Glacial Period. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(35), 15508-15511.
Lewis, H., Paz, V., Lara, M., Barton, H., Piper, P., Ochoa, J., ... & Ronquillo, W. (2008). Terminal Pleistocene to mid-Holocene occupation and an early cremation burial at Ille Cave, Palawan, Philippines. antiquity, 82(316), 318-335
Bird, M. I., Boobyer, E. M., Bryant, C., Lewis, H. A., Paz, V., & Stephens, W. E. (2007). A long record of environmental change from bat guano deposits in Makangit Cave, Palawan, Philippines. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 98(1), 59-69.
Barker, G., Barton, H., Bird, M., Daly, P., Datan, I., Dykes, A., ... & Turney, C. (2007). The ‘human revolution’in lowland tropical Southeast Asia: the antiquity and behavior of anatomically modern humans at Niah Cave (Sarawak, Borneo). Journal of human evolution, 52(3), 243-261.