Leee Anthony M. Neri
Associate Professor
College Secretary
Ph.D. in Archaeology | University of the Philippines Diliman
College Secretary
Ph.D. in Archaeology | University of the Philippines Diliman

I am currently interested in obsidian sourcing characterization in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific. The hypothesis of the “Celebes Seafaring People” is anchored on the geochemical characterization of the obsidian recovered from sites located along the Celebes Sea Region during the Middle Holocene. Aside from obsidian sourcing, Mindanao archaeology has also been my academic priority and research interest. Archaeological surveys and excavations were already conducted in northern Mindanao.
Selected Works
Neri, L. A. M., VII, A. T. B., Reyes IV, R. C., Limlingan, S. J. M., Omori, T., & Matsuzaki, H. (2022). Archaeology of Calumat Open Site: Dating the Burial and its Archaeological Implication. Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology, 20(S1).
Neri, L. A. M., Pawlik, A. F., Reepmeyer, C., Mijares, A. S. B., & Paz, V. J. (2015). Mobility of early islanders in the Philippines during the Terminal Pleistocene/Early Holocene boundary: pXRF-analysis of obsidian artefacts. Journal of Archaeological Science, 61, 149-157.
Reepmeyer, C., Spriggs, M., Lape, P., Neri, L., Ronquillo, W. P., Simanjuntak, T., ... & Tiauzon, A. (2011). Obsidian sources and distribution systems in Island Southeast Asia: New results and implications from geochemical research using LA-ICPMS. Journal of Archaeological Science, 38(11), 2995-3005.
Spriggs, M., Reepmeyer, C., Lape, P., Neri, L., Ronquillo, W. P., Simanjuntak, T., ... & Tiauzon, A. (2011). Obsidian sources and distribution systems in Island Southeast Asia: a review of previous research. Journal of Archaeological Science, 38(11), 2873-2881.
Lewis, H., Paz, V., Lara, M., Barton, H., Piper, P., Ochoa, J., ... & Ronquillo, W. (2008). Terminal Pleistocene to mid-Holocene occupation and an early cremation burial at Ille Cave, Palawan, Philippines. antiquity, 82(316), 318-335.