New Publication: 'Evolving landscape and cultural change during the Middle Palaeolithic in Southeast Zagros (Iran): Insights from a micromammal assemblage' by Juan Rofes et al

May 6, 2024
New paper published in Quaternary Science Reviews.
Micromammals can be useful palaeoecological indicators and that is the case of the remains from Tang-e Shikan Cave in the Iranian Zagros range. Through thorough taphonomic and taxonomic analysis, this assemblage reveals slight landscape and environmental changes between the older and younger human occupations of the site along the Middle Palaeolithic period which can be reasonably correlated with cultural change in the region. Hominins involved in this process could be both Neanderthals and Anatomically Modern. An international team which I was honoured to lead published these results in the high-ranked scientific journal Quaternary Science Reviews.
I am glad to announce that this research would not have been possible without the financial support of the Office of the Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Diliman, through an OVCRD’s Outright Research Grant.

written by J Rofes, April 2024

First author Juan Rofes is an Associate Professor of the UP School of Archaeology and head of its Zooarchaeological Laboratory.


The journal provides a 50 days' free access to the article and can be downloaded here.