New Publication: 'Ardales & Palomas. Prehistoric Caves in Spain' edited by José Ramos Muñoz and Gerd-Christian Weniger

December 27, 2023

New book!

This work addresses the stratigraphic sequence of two prehistoric cavities with occupations from the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods, important for the understanding of human occupations from the Pleistocene and Holocene at the southern Iberian Peninsula. It is an interdisciplinary contribution with geological, stratigraphic studies, soil micromorphology, pollen, anthracology, terrestrial macrofauna and microfauna, marine fauna, archaeometry of lithic tools, analysis of lithic technology, ceramic studies, as well as prehistoric art. It is completed with numerous absolute dates by various techniques: Uranium Thorium, C14, TL, OSL, among others.

This is an extensive international effort. 58 researchers (co-authors) participated: 36 from institutions in Spain, 13 from institutions in Germany, 4 from the United Kingdom, 2 from Denmark, 1 from Portugal, 1 from France, and 1 from the Philippines.

written by J Rofes, December 2023

Co-author Juan Rofes is an Associate Professor of the UP School of Archaeology and head of its Zooarchaeological Laboratory.

The book is open access and can be downloaded here.